Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Times are Hard

This week is a really difficult one for me. I'm scheduled to work 2 days. My mom had a couple of doctor appointments and I have to work at the shop in Cooperstown on Friday, so my time at the library is short. This weekend is the Baseball Hall of Fame Induction so things will really be rocking down there. I'm working on Friday and on Monday. I usually try to miss these busy weekends but not this year. I hope I see someone famous...that I recognize. Sales have been really slow so I'm also hoping for a big crowd with lots of money to spend!

Friday, July 13, 2007

It's wasn't all knitting!

I just reread my last entry and it sounded like all I did on my vacation was knit. That's not true. We spent a morning shopping in Northville where there's an old-fashion five and ten cent store. I went out to lunch with some friends a couple of times and we got invited out for bar-b-q ribs one night. I went to a concert at Camp of the Woods that was very good and the local 4th of July parade (held on July 7th) was the best I've ever seen up there. And I read most of the books I had brought with me. (That alone was different!) I even washed windows in the camp and ironed and put up clean curtains! I enjoyed my vacation very much and I wish it had been longer. Ten days really flew by. I'll try it again in August.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Vacation in the Mountains

I'm in Speculator NY at the laundromat (!!) using a public access computer. It's been raining up here for a day and a half but today looks a little better. At least the sun is shining! I have gotten a lot of knitting done! I made a pair of baby socks with the wool-cotton-soyfiber-chitin yarn that I just had to buy. They made up kind of cute. (Chitin is made from shrimp and crab shells and is natually antibacterial.) Today I'm working on the superwash wool that was treated with aloe vera and jojoba oil. My hands feel smoother. I also did a baby set with a beret. I had Janet Evanovich's Mean Lean Thirteen on cd and that helped pass the time. Opps...the laundy is done!